Nique Thai Restaurant
Nique Thai Restaurant
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Tailwind CSS

Project Details


Develop an aesthetically pleasing restaurant website, following a detailed design in Figma.

What I Did

I built the frontend using Next.js, TypeScript for type safety, and Tailwind CSS to expedite styling. Following the design file, I laid out a detailed plan and executed it meticulously.


Sleek UI design that offers an engaging user experience. The website's aesthetics are visually appealing, making it a restaurant I would definitely visit. A reservation booking form that uses Resend to send the user a confirmation email.


The design posed significant challenges, particularly in laying out the initial groundwork. Finding a suitable email service provider for reservations was also a hurdle, but I successfully integrated Resend and React Email. This resulted in a simple, beautiful, and functional product with continuous improvements being made.


A restaurant website with beautiful aesthetics, enhancing the online presence of the business.