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Next Js
Tailwind CSS
Mongo Db

Project Details


Addressing the need for a centralized platform for developers to seek assistance and share knowledge is crucial in today's fast-paced tech environment. The web application leverages the power of AI through Chat GPT to provide intelligent and immediate answers to developers' queries.

what I Did

I built the frontend using Next.js with TypeScript, ensuring type safety and an enhanced developer experience. The responsive design was implemented with Tailwind CSS, providing a sleek and modern user interface. MongoDB data storage, leveraging its powerful aggregate functions for complex queries. For authentication, I integrated Clerk, providing secure and seamless user management


The application includes several standout features. We have dark mode for comfortable use in low-light environments. The design is fully responsive, ensuring optimal performance and usability across various devices and screen sizes. The platform is fast, providing users with quick access to information and support. There is also a global search feature enhances the user experience by allowing developers to quickly find relevant answers and resources across the entire platform.


I encountered several challenges during the development process. Initially, setting up the project was difficult, especially in aligning everything with the Figma design specifications. Working with MongoDB aggregate functions also posed a significant hurdle, as mastering their complexity was essential for efficient data manipulation and retrieval. Additionally, time management was a constant struggle, balancing the demands of coding, debugging, and incorporating new features within the deadlines I had estimated


Successfully deployed a responsive platform, gaining traction among the developer community and fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.